Neurodiversity Toolkit For Schools

The First Neurodiversity Toolkit for schools

ADHD 360 has launched the UK’s first Neurodiversity toolkit into schools, helping educators to support neurodiverse pupils through their learning and development.

The objective of this practical and effective toolkit is to raise awareness and the standards of care for neurodiverse pupils.

We encourage schools, educators and parents to take advantage of this toolkit and to help our nations neurodiverse pupils to achieve their full potential.

Neurodiversity Toolkit Badge

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What the Toolkit Covers:

Empowering Neurodiverse Learners: A Comprehensive Support Program for Schools

Our toolkit equips your school with the tools and knowledge to create an inclusive and supportive environment for neurodiverse students.

  • Comprehensive Toolkit: An all-inclusive guide providing the essential resources and practical strategies tailored to support neurodiverse students, specifically designed for schools.
  • Expert Training: Receive an in-depth training session to gain essential skills and strategies for understanding and supporting neurodiverse learners.
  • Right to Choose (RTC) Referral Guidance: Receive step-by-step support and resources to navigate the RTC referral process for students aged 14+.
  • Informative Webinar: Deepen your understanding with access to our webinar that offers valuable insights and practical knowledge.
  • Earn Recognition: Showcase your commitment to excellence by earning the prestigious "Neurodiversity in Schools Approved" badge for your website and marketing material.

Who is the toolkit for?

For Schools:

We are reaching out to all UK schools and academy’s to adopt and embrace the Neurodiversity Toolkit, working towards achieving our Neurodiversity in Schools Toolkit approved accreditation and badge.

For Educators:

We want to raise awareness of the strategies, tactics and considerations both inside and outside the class room for neurodiverse pupils. Educators are on the front-line of development for pupils and are the most important part of the Neurodiversity education solution. We ask that educators treat the toolkit as a priority and help to influence other educators and schools.

For Parents:

Neurodiverse pupils and parents are the driving force for awareness and movement within local schools and academy’s. Neurodiversity is gaining awareness like never before. However, pupils and parents still have a very key role to play in influencing our nations educators to take Neurodiversity seriously. The decision of your child’s educators to embrace the Neurodiversity Toolkit might very well be the difference between a fulfilling and a non-fulfilling life for your child.

The perspective of Neurodiversity from private medical Diagnosis and Treatment

ADHD 360 is proud to be one of the joint agencies leading this project, to raise awareness and standards of care for neurodiverse pupils.

School is a vital environment for our children. It not only provides essential academic learning but it also facilitates the building of foundations of emotions, well-being and general mental health.

Our experience of working in the fields of ADHD and Autism, the main elements of neurodiversity, has provided us with a unique perspective on the role teachers, teaching assistants, Governors and school’s leadership teams can play in the holistic development of a neurodiverse learner.

Phil Anderton

Phil Anderton

Managing Director, ADHD 360

We need to welcome a new era of embracing ‘difference’, and seek to understand neurodiversity from an enlightened position, where more effective joint working across agencies, can facilitate every child achieving their potential. Within a framework, it is vital that those professionals wrapped around a child’s development are encouraged to exchange knowledge and competence within their discipline and recognise their own professional boundaries when doing so.

If we want things to change, we have to change something, and this framework changes perspectives, and working with the enlightened team at Banovallum School in Lincolnshire has already proven to be groundbreaking. As the Managing Director of the UK’s largest specialist ADHD service, I commend this document to you and encourage you to join our journey to ensure that we demonstrate that every child really does matter through outcomes not merely based on the 3 Rs.

I am mindful that children with neurodiversity are not children with learning difficulties, but children who have difficulty learning. There is a fundamental difference and it is for the provider of education to facilitate an environment where those difficulties are reduced.

Donna Sharkey

Donna Sharkey

Head of Quality Assurance, ADHD 360 Mother to a ND & former professopnal involvement in quality and SEND education

The perspective of Neurodiversity from an educator’s perspective

Neurodiversity in the classroom is becoming more and more familiar but not always understood. Students in mainstream classrooms are displaying a vast array of behaviours and attitudes. These behaviours and attitudes are often challenging to the adults within the room, some are damaging to the success of the student, and some go unnoticed as the student is quietly underperforming.

Teachers are becoming more confident in recognising and documenting behaviours that are considered to be disturbing to others but less likely to consider those which are damaging to the individual. Behaviour strategies are applied with varying levels of success. Teaching Assistants will testify that there is not a single strategy that will be successful all of the time. Rather, Teachers and Teaching Assistants need a toolbox of strategies that can be utilised as a situation unfolds combined with an understanding that something that was successful for the last hour will not have any impact for the rest of the day.

Strategies to support the neurotypical ASD child have risen over the last five years as the condition becomes more recognised, understood and families are able to access the external assessments, support mechanisms and personalised plans they need to achieve success in the classroom.

The ADHD child does not, currently, have the same level of understanding or support easily available. Often, they are labelled as the disruptive child, the one that can’t sit still, the dreamer at the back of the room or the one that cannot remember instructions or organise themselves. These traits are seen as frustrating by the adults trying to educate them but ultimately it is not seen that this child is unable to control these traits nor is the drain on their self-esteem acknowledged.

Those who enter the teaching profession do so because they have the desire to support students to become the best version of themselves and to be successful. Having tools available to record ‘regular’ behaviours which could be evaluated to indicate whether a child would benefit from an ADHD assessment will support every educator to confidently encourage families to seek support for their child. They will become part of the solution and a key element in making a positive change in the student’s life, raise attainment and enable the student to become the best version of themselves.

Please don’t delay looking for an assessment for any child you believe may have ADHD, use the screening elements of this toolkit to inform your referral.

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We'll be in touch to discuss: Next steps, Providing you with the toolkit & How to get 'Toolkit Approved'