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ADHD diagnosis
Your ADHD Journey begins with an ADHD diagnosis assessment.
ADHD treatment
Medicated ADHD treatment is the life changing next step.
The patient journey
Understand our ADHD patient from diagnosis to titration and beyond.
ADHD coaching
An ADHD Coach will help to overcome ADHD’s impact on your life.
Non-medicated treatment
ADHD counselling treatment is an addition or alternative to medication.
Autism & ADHD
‘Clearing the fog’ of ADHD can help to identify shared Autism tendencies.
ADHD in adults
The symptoms of ADHD in adults can cause significant impacts to your life.
ADHD in children
During childhood, ADHD symptoms are often overlooked and misdiagnosed.
Your right to choose
You have the legal right to choose where you have your NHS treatment.
About ADHD 360
The UK’s largest single specialist ADHD Clinic. More than your diagnosis.
Patient Citations
Read what our patients say about our specialist UK ADHD clinic.
NHS Partnerships
We continuously build strong partnerships with the NHS to benefit you.
Patient Satisfaction Survey
Explore our regular patient satisfaction surveys.
Staff Satisfaction Survey
Explore our regular staff satisfaction surveys.
CQC Reports
The CQC are a big part of our continued success and clinical structure.
Our Team
Say hello to the ADHD 360 team who are changing lives every day.
Clinical Supervision
ADHD 360 have a robust approach to developing our clinical team.
An objective tool for ADHD Diagnosis and Treatment.
Treatment Tools & Tips
Our very own treatment tools and tips to support your ADHD Journey.
360 In The Media
Discover the latest coverage surrounding ADHD 360 In The Media.
Interviews & Webinars
Dive into our library of interviews and webinars for useful ADHD information.
ADHD 360 News
Here we'll share general ADHD 360 news, patient news, and ADHD news.
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Neurodiversity Kit For Schools
Partnering with Banovallum School to launch a Neurodiversity Toolkit into UK schools.
Contact Us
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We encourage all feedback about our service to continuously improve.
ADHD 360 proudly work alongside NHS Partners, both in terms of our work with private patients, patients experiencing their ‘Right to Choose’ (RTC), and also with contracted activity in particular geographies.
We are a fully licensed NHS Service, licence #200207 and are also CQC regulated.
Much is said about extraordinary waiting times within NHS ADHD services, especially Adult services. It is easy to criticise, but it is worth revisiting history for a moment. If we go back a decade or slightly more, wrongly, ADHD was believed by international experts and policymakers to be a disorder of children, with most growing out of ADHD, and not displaying impairing symptoms past their late teenage years. We know now, in fact, a lot of practitioners knew then that this was incorrect. A lot of adolescents and adults were suffering impaired lives, with hardship a constant reminder that their ADHD was still present.
Undoubtedly this mistaken belief led to NHS services not considering the requirement to build adult ADHD NHS service expertise, and only recently has the need been recognised. NHS budgets have not been augmented to accommodate this ‘new reality‘.
We can also look into pharmaceutical products, our ADHD medicines and only in relatively recent times have medicines such as Elvanse, Atomoxetine and a few others been licensed for adults. In fact, some of the most effective medication for ADHD is still not licensed in the UK for patients over 16.
We also should look at paediatric and CAMHS services for a final clue as to why we have waiting lists that are far from ideal. Firstly, the split of services between two profoundly different disciplines in medicine prevents accurate forecasting of future demand. Secondly, demand predictions from services for children, rarely have the time, or the opportunity to ‘put their foot on the ball’ and accurately predict the anticipated flow from 16yr olds in adulthood, thus informing future commissioning decisions.
Without a thesis on the subject, we can already see that there are a number of causation factors for adult ADHD services experiencing sub-optimal service levels.
At ADHD 360 we are proud to assist ADHD NHS services by stepping into that gap and delivering excellence in a timely, affordable manner.
Whether the local procurement rules favour ‘spot purchasing’, ‘immediate need contracting’ or a competitively procured process we will engage and seek to participate in assisting more patients receiving the care they deserve. In partnership.
Many of our clinicians formed their roots in ADHD NHS services. Our back-office team proudly have a ‘badge of pride‘ that they are working alongside our NHS ADHD services, delivering much-needed ADHD Diagnosis, ADHD Treatment & ADHD Support efficiently and effectively.
ADHD 360 are nimble, agile and responsive. Free from the constraints of a larger bureaucracy, with processes that are newly defined, refreshed and modern. ADHD 360 can respond in many ways that our NHS cannot.
We invest quickly in the automation of many admin processes, turning our ‘front office’ from administrators to ‘patient supporters and advocates’.
We are paperless. We have a nationally recognised IT platform that is emerging as an industry leader. We work in partnership with our digital marketing and web app development partners to respond with unprecedented timeliness to ensure our Chrysalis patient platform continues to expand in its functionality.
ADHD 360 works within 18 weeks to treat referred patients and once we have received a referral from one of our contracted ICB partnerships, we often see a real-time ‘Referral to Treatment’ (RTT) of less than 16 weeks.
A high percentage of our clinical interventions are remote, utilising the benefits of video conferencing in line with European and UK protocols. Covid-19 pushed the whole world into new ways of working, and thankfully ADHD 360 were ahead of the change curve, settling quickly into a ‘new way of working’ that has proven very popular with patients and clinical teams alike. Our ‘Virtual Hospital’ allows patients the luxury of a consultation from their home.
Whether our ADHD NHS partners require a report, a spreadsheet, billing through Tradeshift or directly, we will remain committed to flexibility and delivery.
We routinely send copies of all letters to patients and GPs that are under our NHS contracts to the commissioners of that service, and our dedicated NHS ADHD contracts management team maintain regular contact with commissioners and their ADHD NHS teams throughout the contract life.
Where shared care is not geographically supported, ADHD 360 can make provisions to maintain the prescription ‘flow’ for those patients affected by policies such as this.
As a contracted and licenced NHS ADHD provider of services for the ADHD community, ADHD 360 supports Right To Choose. We work closely with commissioners to ensure that the patient is not disadvantaged by any process ‘glitches’ as RTC continues to bed itself in as a new way of commissioning services. Once we have the correct billing and finance information, delivery of service under Right To Choose is as seamless as any other service we provide, whether privately or publicly funded.
Publicly funded services need to be able to flex to meet changing requirements for services. Working in partnership with ADHD 360 is an effective way to meet these changing demands. We carry the overheads, we manage the patient flow across all of our activities, allowing the NHS to refer in to meet their needs, your needs.
Procurement futures, commissioning challenges, whatever the lens on national delivery of services to the ADHD community, the future for success lies in partnerships that cross sectors. From these we see trust being built, relationships professionally flourishing and ultimately, patients receiving the treatment and care they rightly expect.
Contracting or/and the exercise of Patients’ Choice is cost effective for Commissioners, far more effective and efficient than traditional Trust based delivery options.
We should also be mindful that an untreated adult with ADHD is inevitably putting pressure elsewhere on the NHS. Be it through the A&E department front door, the revolving doors of Primary Care or into crisis teams. These are 'hidden costs' for the NHS ADHD budget that we know reduce if not disappear once appropriate ADHD Treatment begins, and this discussion alone should lead to a great level of budgetary awareness and commissioning finesse.
Please contact us on 01507 534 181 or for further information about our ADHD NHS partnerships.