ADHD Diagnosis Provider

Your Compassionate ADHD Diagnosis Provider

Whether you’re a concerned parent, an adult questioning your own focus and organisation, or a spouse trying to understand your partner, the maze of information and healthcare providers out there can be both confusing and intimidating. That’s where we come in.

Rated Excellent on Trustpilot

We warmly welcome you to ADHD 360

The UK’s premier clinic specialising in compassionate, private ADHD diagnosis and treatment.

Your Trust, Our Priority Icon

Your trust, our priority

At ADHD 360, you’re not just another patient; you’re a valued individual deserving of specialised care. Our team of experienced ADHD Clinicians are not only qualified but deeply committed to offering you evidence-based, personalised treatment plans; tailored to your unique ADHD profile.

Our Heartfelt Mission Icon

Our heartfelt mission

We recognise that ADHD affects not only the individual but also families and relationships. It’s our mission to offer comprehensive, ethical, and personalised diagnoses and treatments for ADHD that address ADHD symptoms while empowering you and your loved ones to live fulfilling lives.

Why choose us?

Expert Care

Expert Care

Our team has specialised training and extensive experience in diagnosing and treating ADHD.

Science backed methods

Science-Backed Methods

Our treatments and protocols are rooted in the latest research, ensuring you receive the most effective care possible.

All inclusive support

All-Inclusive Support

We offer an all inclusive diagnosis and treatment package, from your initial screening to long-term management, encompassing every facet of ADHD care.

A safe haven

A Safe Haven

Our clinic prioritises confidentiality, respect, and emotional support.

Rated Excellent

Hear from Our Community

Our past and current clients are our best advocates. See what they have to say about their journeys with us.

Your ADHD diagnosis

starts here

Sign up to our portal: Chrysalis

Taking the right step towards an accurate diagnosis and effective treatment can be life-changing. If you’re ready to begin this journey, we invite you to sign up to our patient portal: Chrysalis.

You don’t have to navigate the challenges of ADHD alone. With ADHD 360, you’ll find more than just a diagnosis; you’ll find a compassionate partner committed to walking this journey with you.

Thank you for considering ADHD 360. Whether you’re ready to book your online ADHD assessment now, or if you’d like to explore our site further, we’re here to help you every step of the way. We hope to be your guiding light in your quest for mental well-being.

Welcome to ADHD 360 — where understanding and compassion meet action.

Understanding ADHD, your diagnosis and our process

Navigating the world of ADHD can be daunting, especially with a sea of information—and misinformation—at your fingertips. Our goal at ADHD 360 is to empower you with reliable, science-based information that will guide you on your journey to understanding this condition better.

Here is what you can discover from this page:

(Tap to explore a specific section)

Diagnosis pricing

>No surprises

What is ADHD?

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Your Questions, Our Answers:
What Exactly is ADHD?

Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, commonly known as ADHD, is a neurodevelopmental condition affecting both children and adults. It’s characterised by persistent patterns of inattention, impulsivity, and/or hyperactivity that interfere with daily functioning or development.

In simple terms, people with ADHD often find it challenging to focus on tasks, may act without thinking, and may be hyperactive to the point where it disrupts their or others’ lives. It’s not a lack of will or effort but is considered a medical condition with neurological origins.

Busting the Myths

The internet is a double-edged sword: while it offers a wealth of information, it also propagates various myths and misconceptions about ADHD. No, ADHD is not a result of poor parenting or ‘too much sugar,’ and yes, it is a condition that merits professional attention.

By the Numbers

ADHD is more common than you might think, affecting approximately 5% of children and 2.5% of adults worldwide. Please know: if you or your loved one is dealing with this, you’re far from alone.

Empowering You with Facts

Understanding ADHD is the first step in taking control of it. We’re here to provide you with a robust foundation of information, firmly rooted in scientific evidence, so that you can make informed decisions moving forward.

What is ADHD?

Types of ADHD?

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The Many Faces of ADHD

ADHD can look different in different people. It’s because there are various types of ADHD:

  • Predominantly Inattentive.
  • Predominantly Hyperactive-Impulsive.
  • Combined Presentation.

Each has its own unique set of symptoms and challenges:

  1. Predominantly Inattentive Presentation: This form is characterised mainly by difficulties in sustaining attention, following through on tasks, and organising activities. People with this type of ADHD are often forgetful, easily distracted, and may overlook details.
  2. Predominantly Hyperactive-Impulsive Presentation: This type features symptoms like fidgeting, an inability to stay seated, incessant talking, and a tendency to act without thinking. The emphasis is more on hyperactivity and impulsivity rather than inattention.
  3. Combined Presentation: As the name implies, this form of ADHD involves a combination of symptoms from both of the above types. People with Combined Presentation ADHD exhibit both inattentive and hyperactive-impulsive behaviours.
Types Of ADHD

Each of these types can present differently in every individual. They can even change over time. Knowing the specific type not only helps in more accurate diagnosis. It also supports us to tailor a treatment plan to manage the symptoms effectively.

Symptoms of ADHD

Navigating the symptom landscape of ADHD can be confusing, especially when it comes to differentiating between typical behaviours and symptoms that may require professional evaluation.

ADHD doesn’t just manifest as an inability to pay attention or being overly active. The condition is a nuanced combination of symptoms that can severely impact day-to-day activities, academic performance, work, and relationships. Symptoms are generally clustered into two categories of behavioural problems: Inattention and hyperactivity-impulsivity.

Symptoms Of ADHD

People with inattentive symptoms may:

  • Struggle with organising tasks and activities
  • Have difficulty sustaining attention in conversations, reading, or lectures
  • Avoid or be reluctant to engage in tasks that require sustained mental effort
  • Frequently lose items necessary for tasks and activities
  • Be easily distracted by extraneous stimuli

ADHD Inattention


Individuals exhibiting hyperactivity-impulsivity symptoms might:

  • Fidget or tap their hands or feet excessively
  • Be unable to play or engage in activities quietly
  • Talk excessively and interrupt others
  • Have difficulty waiting their turn
  • Make decisions impulsively, without considering the consequences

While everyone might exhibit some of these behaviours at times, the key difference in ADHD is the frequency and severity of these symptoms. They occur often, in various settings, and interfere with daily life.

Understanding these symptoms is the first step to recognising whether you or your loved ones should consider a diagnosis.

ADHD in Children

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Unpacking ADHD Symptoms in the Young Mind

Children with ADHD may exhibit behaviours that are challenging for parents, teachers, and even themselves to understand. The symptoms can sometimes be dismissed as “childish” or “immature,” but when these behaviours persist and interfere with learning, social development, and home life, they may be signs of ADHD.

Symptoms in School
  • Difficulty maintaining focus during class
  • Frequent careless mistakes in schoolwork
  • Often losing school supplies or forgetting homework
ADHD Diagnosis For Children
Behavioural Symptoms
  • Difficulty listening when spoken to directly
  • Frequent fidgeting and inability to stay seated
  • Blurting out answers before questions are complete
More Than Kids Being Kids
Social Challenges
  • Interrupting or intruding on others’ conversations or games
  • Difficulty waiting one’s turn in group settings
  • Struggles with understanding social cues and expectations

It’s important to note that many children exhibit one or more of these behaviours at some point. However, for children with ADHD, these symptoms are more severe and frequent, often impacting their academic performance and social relationships significantly.

More Than Just ‘Kids Being Kids

Children are naturally energetic and curious, but when stereotypical childhood behaviour crosses the line to significantly disrupt daily life, it may be an indication of ADHD.

When to Seek Professional Guidance

If you’re a parent questioning whether your child’s behaviours warrant an ADHD Diagnosis, consider signing up to our online portal, Chrysalis, and using our online screening tool.

The screening tool asks for a series of answers from you regarding your child, followed by an instant indication as to whether your child may or may not have ADHD.

If the screening tool provides a positive indication of ADHD, you can choose to book an ADHD Assessment with one of our ADHD clinicians for an official diagnosis.

ADHD in Adults

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The Overlooked Reality: ADHD in Adulthood

ADHD is too often thought of as a childhood disorder. ADHD and its symptoms can commonly persist into adulthood and present unique challenges for affected individuals. While adult ADHD symptoms may be similar to those in children, they often manifest differently in a grown-up context.

Symptoms in Work Environments
  • Struggles with focusing on tasks, frequently shifting between them
  • Difficulty with organisation and prioritising tasks
  • Missing deadlines and forgetting work responsibilities
ADHD Behavioural Symptoms
Behavioural Symptoms
  • Restlessness and difficulty in staying still for long periods
  • Impulsive decision-making, often leading to poor judgement
  • Difficulty in sustaining conversations and social relationships
ADHD and Relationships
Personal Life Impact
  • Challenges in maintaining a stable emotional state
  • Difficulty in sustaining long-term relationships
  • Frequent mood swings and emotional outbursts

For adults, untreated ADHD can result in various issues, from career setbacks to challenges in personal relationships. It’s crucial to identify the symptoms and seek diagnosis and treatment, as appropriate interventions can lead to significant improvements in quality of life.

Taking the First Step

If you identify with ADHD symptoms as an adult, the next logical question is, “What now?”. Start your ADHD journey with ADHD 360 by signing up to our patient portal, Chrysalis. Our online screening tool is free to use and will provide you with either a positive or negative indication as to whether you may or may not have ADHD.

From there, you can take a further test through our QBCheck integration, followed by an official ADHD diagnosis assessment with one of our ADHD Clinicians.

We hope this section clears up the fog surrounding ADHD and serves as a dependable resource for you and your family. Armed with this knowledge, you’re better prepared to take meaningful steps toward diagnosis and treatment.

Getting Diagnosed for ADHD

The Process of an ADHD Diagnosis with us

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The Process of an ADHD Diagnosis with us

Acknowledging that you or a loved one may have ADHD can be a challenging and emotional experience. But suspecting ADHD and actually being diagnosed are two distinct steps on the path toward a more focused and organised life.

Taking the step to seek a diagnosis can feel daunting, given the uncertainties and fears that come with it.

We’ll guide you through the what, why and how of getting an ADHD diagnosis.

Having ADHD symptoms without a diagnosis can be like having a puzzle with missing pieces—you may have some ideas but lack the complete picture.

A formal diagnosis not only confirms the presence of ADHD but also helps you, your family, and healthcare providers to understand the specific nuances of your condition.

With a diagnosis, tailored treatments and coping strategies can then be designed to improve your day-to-day life.

The journey to a diagnosis is a personal one.

It’s often filled with questions, dilemmas, and apprehensions. We’re here to help you navigate this process, providing you with concrete reasons for why a diagnosis could be the next best step for you, sharing testimonials from those who have walked this path before, and more.

If you’ve been struggling with symptoms that significantly impact your daily life, understanding what an ADHD diagnosis entails could be a step toward reclaiming control over your life or helping a loved one to do so.

Before we delve into the reasons for getting diagnosed, let’s address some common concerns you might have.

The Process of an ADHD Diagnosis with us
Why to consider an ADHD diagnosis

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Unlocking a Better Future: The Importance of an ADHD Diagnosis

You might find yourself questioning whether an ADHD diagnosis is really worth it.

The concerns are real—stigma, labels, and the uncertainty of what comes next. We get it, and you’re not alone. We’ve heard from many people who were in your shoes, unsure if they should take the next step.

What we’ve found is that getting a diagnosis can be transformative, not just for the individual, but for their families as well.

Understanding the specifics of your ADHD condition is like having a roadmap for your brain. It can significantly impact your treatment options and guide you toward an improved quality of life.

Many who’ve gone through the diagnosis process found it to be the missing piece of their life’s puzzle.

The Transformative Benefits of an ADHD Diagnosis

An ADHD Diagnosis is not just a label; it’s a transformative tool that can elevate multiple facets of your life.

  1. Career Advancements: A diagnosis can facilitate workplace accommodations, leading to a more productive and fulfilling career. It could be as simple as noise-cancelling headphones to help you focus or more formal adjustments like flexible work hours.
  2. Personal Relationships: Understanding your diagnosis can help your loved ones relate to you better, setting the stage for more empathetic and meaningful connections. It’s a two-way street of newfound understanding.
  3. Self-awareness: Knowing you have ADHD can be a relief, giving you context for challenges you’ve experienced but couldn’t explain. This newfound self-awareness can lead to increased self-esteem and a clearer path forward.
  4. Access to Effective Treatments: Post-diagnosis, you open the door to personalised treatment options, such as: medications, behavioural coaching, ADHD counselling and even lifestyle adjustments; all proven to make daily life easier.

Why to get diagnosed

Your Journey to Wellness:

Our Diagnosis Pathway

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Our Diagnosis Pathway

The path to an ADHD diagnosis is much simpler than you might think, and it can start right now:

Signing up to Our Bespoke Patient Portal: Chrysalis:

The first step in your journey will be to sign up for the initial screening through our internal ADHD system called Chrysalis.

It will be your very own ADHD portal to keep you updated on your journey.

It is used to:

  • Securely store your information.
  • To update ADHD Diagnosis & Treatment records.
  • To receive updates from your clinician and bookings.

We’ve designed and developed Chrysalis to be one of a kind.

It is easy to use and it allows an efficient flow and process.

Chrysalis helps to instil confidence in our patients through:

  • Reliability.
  • Security.
  • Communication.

Everything you need is at the touch of a button, accessible on all devices.

We continuously invest into the development of our system.

This ensures that our process is always pushing the boundaries through the highest level of service.

Initial Screening:

Our screening tool is completely free. The questions offer multiple choice answers and the answers range from 1 to 5. 1 is usually “not at all” and 5 tends to be “all of the time”. Your answers will be based on how much you relate to a particular question. It’s very important that you answer these as honestly as possible.


Next, you’ll perform this valuable computer-based test, which provides your clinician with objective insights into your attention, activity, and impulsivity levels. It helps us better understand you and your unique challenges. You can find out more about the QbCheck and eligibility here.

Your ‘to-do list’:

A series of questionnaires designed to gather important information about your medical history, sleep hygiene, mood, substance use, and current observations such as blood pressure, pulse, height, and weight.

Clinical Assessment:

You will then book your ADHD diagnosis assessment. Ahead of your assessment, your clinician will carefully review the information you provided in your online screening, to-do list and QbCheck. This allows them to understand your challenges and build a clear picture of your situation. During the assessment, your clinician will ask you a range of different questions. These questions will dive into your childhood and present self. They’ll aim to uncover answers on various scenarios and feelings throughout your life. Your clinician will tell you in your assessment if they believe you have an ADHD Diagnosis. If the result of your appointment is an ADHD Diagnosis, your clinician will discuss the treatment package  that is best for you.

Rest assured, our diagnostic process is comprehensive and rooted in evidence-based methods, prioritising the reliability and validity of the diagnosis. This isn’t a process we rush—your future and well-being are too important for shortcuts.

Our Diagnosis Pathway

Unveiling Your Best Self:

ADHD Treatment

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ADHD Treatment

Here at ADHD 360, we believe in being much more than just your diagnosis. As a specialist ADHD clinic, we offer Diagnosis and Treatment packages consisting of personalised treatment plans tailored to your unique needs and lifestyle.

ADHD Medication:

Often considered the cornerstone of ADHD treatment, medication is generally the most effective method in terms of rapid symptom relief. Stimulant medications work by increasing the levels of certain neurotransmitters in the brain, which can help improve focus, attention, and self-control. While medication may not be a “cure,” it can significantly ease daily struggles, enabling a better quality of life. If stimulant medications aren’t the perfect fit for you, we’ll optimise your ADHD using non-stimulant medications instead.

ADHD Coaching:

Coaching offers a structured framework for managing ADHD symptoms in the long term. While medication works to balance brain chemistry, coaching helps you develop the skills and strategies needed for daily tasks and challenges. An ADHD coach can work with you to set achievable goals, stay organised, and build healthier habits. This treatment can be especially helpful for those who prefer a non-pharmacological approach or wish to complement their medication regimen.

ADHD Counselling:

Counselling or therapy can offer a safe space to explore the emotional and psychological impacts of ADHD. Techniques such as Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) can help you to understand the thought patterns that lead to problematic behaviours, providing you with tools to manage stress, anxiety, or relationship issues that often accompany ADHD.

Holistic Approaches:

Diet and lifestyle adjustments, such as mindfulness techniques, can also complement your primary treatment plan.

Each treatment has its own merits and may work better when used in combination. Medication is widely acknowledged as the most immediately effective approach, but the greatest benefits often arise from a comprehensive treatment plan tailored to your unique needs. With the right resources and support, you can unveil a version of yourself that’s not just focused, but truly flourishing.

ADHD Treatment

Understanding the Investment:

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Private ADHD diagnosis pricing

The financial aspect of private healthcare can be a significant concern.
However, the term ‘investment’ isn’t used lightly here—we genuinely believe that understanding and managing your ADHD is an investment in a more focused, organised, and fulfilling life

Transparent pricing, no surprises

We’re committed to transparent pricing because we don’t want financial uncertainties to stand between you and the help you need. Our pricing details are designed to be easily understood, with no hidden costs.

See our pricing here

Our pricing has been carefully considered to include everything that you require during your diagnosis or treatment.

While the road to managing ADHD is a continuous one, our transparent pricing ensures that you can make an informed financial decision at each step. We’re here to make sure that you’re investing not just in healthcare, but in a brighter, more focused future for yourself.

We hope this provides you with the clarity you need to proceed confidently on your journey towards well-being.