CQC Reports


ADHD 360 Statement

ADHD 360’s CEO welcomed the recently published report into the CQC’s suitability to undertake their regulatory role. Having witnessed first hand the lack of competence and professional understanding of the private sector’s undertakings in the field of neurodiversity, the report stating that the CQC didn’t have the appropriate skills amongst its inspectors nor did it provide consistency across the inspection regime, did not come as a great surprise.

Whilst the NHS has consistently struggled to improve services for ADHD and Autism, and ICB’s and Trusts have been underfunded for an extended period of time, the role of the private sector is to bring innovation, agility and a new mindset to neurodiversity in support of the NHS problem. Organisations like ADHD 360 are consistently demonstrating world class performance that perhaps only the well informed and experienced can appreciate. Unless inspectors are at the cutting edge, respectful of the agenda for change and briefed on modern science and evidence based medicine, the CQC will continue to fail the neurodiverse population.

The latest CQC report into ADHD 360 demonstrates the CQC’s own lack of competence, and whilst as an organisation we welcome the work of a regulator, this should only be with a regulator that is fit for purpose and themselves experts in the field of medicine they are regulating.

ADHD 360 complained about the 2023 inspection both in terms of conduct and the published report findings and in response, the CQC were clear that as they followed their process, the complaint was groundless. This is clearly not the case, and if an inspection process is unfit and simply put, ‘broken’, to assume that adherence to that process is satisfactory, is a failing on the part of the regulator.

Left with only a full Judicial Review as a final recourse, which was deemed unaffordable, Dr Phil Anderton, CEO of ADHD 360 formally welcomed the findings of Dr Penny Dash’s enquiry into the CQC. 360 are keen to work alongside the regulators who will surely adopt a new approach, and it is our goal to ensure that the ADHD community has a service that is correctly regulated and protected from unsafe practices.

Our full complaint to the CQC

The CQC repsonse cover letter

The CQC complaint response

ADHD 360: CQC Report August 2023

You can access the full report by clicking the CQC summary below.

CQC Summary Ratings


ADHD 360: CQC Reports January 2021

You can access the full report by clicking the CQC summary below.

CQC Summary Ratings

ADHD 360: CQC Reports February 2021 CQC Report of Actions

Whilst the Directors at ADHD 360 did not agree with all the findings of the latest CQC inspection, we seized the initiative to reflect and build stronger systems and processes across our organisation.

By February 2021, as an organisation, we will have served our ADHD community for 2 years and we do so with incredible pride.

We therefore have decided, proudly, to publish our response to the inspection findings in this document entitled ‘CQC Report of Actions 2021’.