Alex Warnes

Secreterial Administrator

Alex Warnes

Alex Warnes

Secreterial Administrator

About Me

I jumped at the opportunity to follow my sister and work for ADHD 360 after previously working for the NHS. Supporting our patients with compassion and understanding is deeply personal to me, as my eldest child was diagnosed with ADHD at the age of six. This experience has given me a unique perspective and a heartfelt commitment to helping others navigate their ADHD journeys.

At ADHD 360, I strive to provide empathetic and comprehensive support to all our patients, drawing from both my professional background and personal experiences. I believe that understanding and patience are crucial in making a positive impact on the lives of those we serve.

Outside of work, I cherish my weekends as a time to unwind and recharge. I enjoy indulging in a good series and savoring a chocolate milk, which offers me a bit of peace and quiet in an otherwise busy life.