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ADHD diagnosis
Your ADHD Journey begins with an ADHD diagnosis assessment.
ADHD treatment
Medicated ADHD treatment is the life changing next step.
The patient journey
Understand our ADHD patient from diagnosis to titration and beyond.
ADHD coaching
An ADHD Coach will help to overcome ADHD’s impact on your life.
Non-medicated treatment
ADHD counselling treatment is an addition or alternative to medication.
Autism & ADHD
‘Clearing the fog’ of ADHD can help to identify shared Autism tendencies.
ADHD in adults
The symptoms of ADHD in adults can cause significant impacts to your life.
ADHD in children
During childhood, ADHD symptoms are often overlooked and misdiagnosed.
Your right to choose
You have the legal right to choose where you have your NHS treatment.
About ADHD 360
The UK’s largest single specialist ADHD Clinic. More than your diagnosis.
Patient Citations
Read what our patients say about our specialist UK ADHD clinic.
NHS Partnerships
We continuously build strong partnerships with the NHS to benefit you.
Patient Satisfaction Survey
Explore our regular patient satisfaction surveys.
Staff Satisfaction Survey
Explore our regular staff satisfaction surveys.
CQC Reports
The CQC are a big part of our continued success and clinical structure.
Our Team
Say hello to the ADHD 360 team who are changing lives every day.
Clinical Supervision
ADHD 360 have a robust approach to developing our clinical team.
An objective tool for ADHD Diagnosis and Treatment.
Treatment Tools & Tips
Our very own treatment tools and tips to support your ADHD Journey.
360 In The Media
Discover the latest coverage surrounding ADHD 360 In The Media.
Interviews & Webinars
Dive into our library of interviews and webinars for useful ADHD information.
ADHD 360 News
Here we'll share general ADHD 360 news, patient news, and ADHD news.
Use our payment portal to make alternative requested payments here.
Neurodiversity Kit For Schools
Partnering with Banovallum School to launch a Neurodiversity Toolkit into UK schools.
Contact Us
Get in touch with the team at ADHD 360 through our contact methods.
We encourage all feedback about our service to continuously improve.
Home | COVID-19 Update
Here at ADHD 360 we are committed to safety and are actively doing our part to reduce the chances of COVID-19 spreading. Whilst we employ a number of these practices anyway, we are taking extra care that all of our staff follow them.
We also want to take the chance to promote good Covid-19 health practices amongst our patient group, please consider the following:
For the foreseeable future, while this global pandemic occurs, all our clinics will be run remotely through various video and calling options and our staff will be working securely and remotely. This respects their safety and also yours.
As far as possible, prescriptions will be delivered by courier to your door, we encourage you to use our partnership with the Private Pharmacy group (PPG) as much as possible, it is cost effective and safe.
For those patients without access to a safe way to take and record their blood pressure, we will provide a blood pressure machine through the post. These are the ‘wrist type’ of monitor and can be used by children and adults alike. Please note we may ask you to take a picture of the readings and submit those to us by email.
We appreciate your understanding during this time and we’re doing everything within our power to ensure that your treatment is still the number one priority and that our services run as normally as possible.
Thank you!
The ADHD 360 Team.