ADHD And Nutrition

ADHD and Nutrition

ADHD and Nutrition

A well-balanced dietary intake of food which is rich in: protein, vegetables, fruit and complex carbohydrates may help relieve your ADHD symptoms.

Protein, Complex Carbs, Fruit & Veg

Try switching up your breakfast and instead of sugar-laden cereals try something different. Greek yoghurt with honey and a selection of nuts is a tasty alternative. Oats are also a versatile, easy and accessible slow-burning energy food. Eggs can be prepared in advance and are an excellent source of protein.

It will kick-start your day and the right foods may help to optimise your brain function and reduce the effects of ADHD.

Some ADHD medications may also inhibit the appetite which is why a balanced and healthy breakfast is essential.

As the day progresses, and energy levels drop, so does concentration and focus. Add ADHD into the mix and it compounds the problem.

Make sure to drink at regular intervals and have a variety of healthy snacks to give your energy, and brain, a boost.

If you make changes to your food input monitor how you feel, and how your ADHD symptoms affect you on a daily basis, and feed back to your clinician.

Our ADHD and Nutrition Do’s and Dont's


  • Protein
  • Complex Carbs
  • Fruit and Veg


  • High sugar food and snacks
  • Energy and sugar-laden drinks
  • Products that contain caffeine
Effective Treatment Triangle

ADHD and nutrition is part of our effective treatment pyramid our articles about sleep hygiene and exercise are coming soon.

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